What is the exchange rate between credits and minutes for video generation?
For standard video generation, each 15 seconds of video costs 1 credit, and videos shorter than 15 seconds also consume 1 credit. HD videos cost twice as much as standard videos, and green screen videos require an additional 1 credit per minute.
How can I buy more credits?
You can buy more credits by subscribing to a higher-tier plan, which provides more credits at a better rate. If you do not want to upgrade, you can enable usage-based billing, which will charge you for additional credits at the agreed price per credit in your plan. Once the accumulated excess usage reaches $5, a bill will be generated for payment; any amount less than $5 will be carried over to the next billing cycle.
Are the credits refundable?
Credits for failed tasks are automatically refunded. If you are not satisfied with the results of a successful task, you can submit feedback through the feedback button on the video detail page. After we review and confirm the issue, the credits for that task will be refunded.
What happens to the credits when I upgrade my plan?
Unused credits from your old plan will be retained and carried over to your new plan, and you will also receive the credits associated with the new plan upon upgrading.
What happens to the credits when I downgrade my plan?
When you downgrade to any subscription plan, the credits in your current account will still be retained.
What happens to the credits when I cancel my plan?
If you cancel your subscription, all credits issued to you under the subscription plan will be revoked on the day of cancellation.
What happens to unused credits in my subscription plan?
Unused credits in your subscription plan will remain in your account as long as your subscription is active, regardless of any upgrades or downgrades. However, if you cancel your subscription (either voluntarily or due to payment failure), those credits will be revoked on the day your membership expires.
How are credits provided after switching to annual billing?
When you switch to annual billing, the credits for the entire year will be allocated to you in one lump sum, allowing you to plan your usage effectively. Additionally, any unused credits in your account will be retained and carried over to your new annual plan.
Does VisionStory offer weekly or daily login credits?
VisionStory offers a Weekly Visit Bonus, which rewards users with credits for visiting the platform each week. The higher membership tier, the more credits you receive as a bonus. The bonus is automatically granted when you visit the site during the week. If you do not visit during the week, you will not receive the credits. There is no daily login bonus.